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2025 Term Dates

Term 1 - Fri 31 January to Fri 11 April.​
Term 2 - Wed 30 April to Fri 4 July
Term 3 - Tue 22 July to Fri 26 September
Term 4 - Tue14 October to Fri 19 December


Café Owl
Usually open for breakfast on Friday mornings from 8am till 9am.  Bacon & Egg Rolls; proper coffee, tea and hot chocolate; hash browns and more. Great time to socialise with other parents. Held in the "Old Canteen" next to car park. Click here to view the current menu.

Devices at School
The school has one to one devices for students use. Students are not required to bring personal laptops, iPads or mobile phones for school use. Mobile phones are not to be used at school during school hours.

Cyber Safety Help for Parents 

Bush Telegraph (School Newsletter)
To access previously published editions of the newsletter, please click here.

​School Opal Travel Card/Pass
Click here to apply online a school travel pass or School Opal card.

School App
Our school uses the School Bytes app for communication, online forms, attendance, payments and payment history, resources (including school reports). Download School Bytes onto your mobile device from either the Google Play Store - or Apple Play.

Am I in the Manly Vale Public School Catchment

To check, click here.


Book Club
The school has access to the Scholastic Book Club where the school enjoys some a small percentage that keeps our library up-to-date with new books. Lots of options and a great place to source age appropriate gifts. Click here to order or browse.

Bikes & Scooters at School

Students may ride bikes and scooters to school independently from Year 3. An adult should accompany a student if they are in Kindergarten, Year 1 or 2. Bike licences must be applied for through the front office, so as safety procedures are communicated to the student before riding to school. The bike racks are located at the front of the school. All students must walk their bikes when entering and exiting the school grounds. In the afternoons when the footpath is busy students must walk their bikes past the bus stops so as to avoid running into pedestrian traffic. Helmets must be work at all times.

Dogs at School

No dogs are permitted on school grounds at any time. Dogs should be accompanied by their owners at pick up and drop off times outside the school grounds. No dogs should be left unattended near children exiting or entering the school.

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