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Parents & Citizens' Association (P&C)

Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is an important part of the Manly Vale community. It encourages the participation of all parents in the general life of the school as well as the education of their children. It is also the body that brings together various elements of the school community – parents, teachers and ‘friends’ (grandparents, special friends, the local community, etc.) to work as a coordinated group and contribute to the school through fundraising activities, social events and much more. The P&C has an input into the decision making process around school directions, and provides financial support and volunteers to assist in achieving these directions. It runs many of the school services including the uniform shop, canteen and school banking. 

Why do we fundraise?

The P&C assists our children by fundraising for vital resources outside the school budget, such as additional education programs, classroom Smartboards, playground upgrades and sporting equipment. We hold fundraising events to create and evolve a positive caring and sharing school community. 

2025 Fundraising goals

Our overarching goal is always to place community first, funds second. The P&C will work with our Principal Mrs Lee and the school executive to decide on where the P&C fundraising can assist the most. All parents are encouraged to join and participate in this collaborative process which is updated at each monthly P&C meeting.

Our next P&C Meeting
Date: 18th February 2025
Time: 7pm
Venue: MVPS Staff Room

Open Invitation: Any parent, carer or member of our school community are most welcome to attend our monthly P&C meetings.

How can I be involved? 

We are always welcoming of a pair of hands to assist with a variety of tasks. Our motto is to respect your time and we value any contribution as it all adds up to a great result for our children and teachers. If you'd like to find out more - here's where to go to please CLICK HERE to complete the online form, and we will get back to you as soon as practical.


Training and clear details are given so all we need is a willing attitude and a big smile. The children love seeing their parents and carers helping out! 


2025 P&C Committee

All correspondence to all members of the
P&C Committee  - please email

President - Chris Nicholls
Vice Presidents - John Gillings & Matt Lutze
Secretary - Xara Roznerski
Treasurer - Peter Weatherston
Ass. Treasurer - Ian Warren 
Fundraising - Vacant

Class Coordinators - Amy Jansen
Canteen - Beccy McGowan 
Uniform Shop - Wendie McDougall
Band - Beth Fitzgerald



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